Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Lights

They say, like air-conditioning, suntans, and chilled beer, fireflies are a sign of summer. I had to wait all these years, though to find out the part about fireflies! It was only on my birthday this May that I was introduced to their mystical allure.

Ensconced with family in this quaint little place in Lonavala (it was Toffee’s first ever night out), it was a lovely time. Having devoured dinner and some delish mango chiffon cake, we congregated on the patio that overlooked the valley. The view even during the day had been interesting with green trimmed hills and sun cast shadows. But at night it was the sky that dominated with its trillion glittering stars. The heavens seemed to reach all the way down as we noticed intermittent flickers from the garden below too. Was somebody flashing mirrors at the sky? On closer inspection, it seemed as if a carpet of twinkling lights was spread out in front of us. This was my first glimpse of fireflies and their fluorescent glow. What a spectacular birthday treat!

So enamored was I that we returned again some weeks later to see them. This time there weren’t as many, probably because it had rained earlier in the week. Standing in what seemed like an enchanted forest, we were mesmerized. The tree beneath which we stood was festooned with tiny, sparkling fairy lights with some strewn on the grass below in casual fashion. We tried taking pictures, but the magical scene before us will be etched in my memory forever. No photograph could ever do full justice.

They say fireflies are disappearing—another sign of our fast urbanization—and future generations may not see their sparkle on summer nights. I am just so glad that I was lucky enough to see them and witness their summer waltz.