Saturday, September 27, 2014

Flying Mystics

So I’ve been chasing butterflies lately... Don’t ask me what my fascination is with winged creatures because I haven’t a clue. All I know is that I love the butterfly’s elusiveness, brilliant colouring, and free-spiritedness—they just seem so carefree and joyous! In Japanese culture, a butterfly is said to be the embodiment of a person’s soul while the Greek word for butterfly itself means soul. Closer home, in Manipur, the Nagas trace their ancestry to a butterfly. Whatever it is, you cannot deny the sense of mystery surrounding these winged beauties.

Butterflies are sun worshippers, as you won’t see them before the sun is up. Where they appear from is a mystery, but when the sun is shining brightly you will see them flitting, pirouetting and whooping in joy. And just how nobody knows where the sun goes at dusk, they too disappear in the fading light.

I haunt the garden and the by lanes around the house, because that’s where I find them darting and swooping, sometimes stopping by a flower or two. They love playing tag and that game where three or more chase each other in a perfect circle. I’ve given up trying to take a picture of that kaleidoscopic jig and prefer to watch them in awe instead. They torment me deliberately, flying close and then darting away in a wink. Their painted wings flashing in the sun as they weave their way through the trees and grass! I think back to the image of the butterfly catcher that was in one of the books that I read growing up…befuddled, slightly squint perhaps, but intent in his quest. I can so totally identify with him!